Monday, July 10, 2006


Fun with Electricity...

Mixed Feelings...
It was very frustrating trying to troubleshoot. What went wrong in the construction of the circuit?!!!
However, when the bulb lit up, I was filled with unspeakable joy! What a sense of achievement!!!

Some interesting websites to explore:

Have Fun!

Monday, May 22, 2006


Biomes... Biomes...

I love the soft golden sand
in the desert. Though it's a place so hot and dry.
I love the natural air-conditioning
in the tundra. Though it appears so white and dull.
I love the sound of nature
in the rainforest. It is beautiful music to my ears.
I love the openness of the landscape
in the grassland. Freedom! - I could hear my spirit cry.

Desert, Tundra, Rainforest, Grassland...
Which biome would you wish to live in?
How would you survive there?


More about Raffles...

Many buildings, schools and companies have names with the word "Raffles". Why do you think the name is so highly respected/ regarded/ popular?

(Go to to find out more about Raffles.)

Monday, February 27, 2006


A Promise Is A Promise

After ready Canterbury Tales, I have picked out 3 stories that talk about keeping promises…

In the Clerk’s Tale – Patient Griselda,
Griselda promised to always do what her husband asked if he would allow her to take care of her father in her new life.
In the Wife of Bath’s Tale – What Woman Likes Most, the young knight promised the old woman that he would do the first thing that she asked him if she would tell him the right answer.
In the Franklin’s Tale – Three Promises,
Dorigen promised Aurelius that she would love him if he could take away all the rocks from the sea and Aurelius promised to pay the magician a thousand pounds if he could remove the rocks.

Is it always right to keep a promise? Why or Why not? Imagine you were Griselda, the young knight, Aurelius or Dorigen, what would you do? ...

Friday, February 17, 2006


To Clone Or Not To Clone?

(Primary 5 Science: The Unit of Life & From Parents to Young)

What is Cloning?

Please look through the following websites to find out more

Recommended websites:

Other Websites:

On Religious and Ethical Issues…

On the Benefits of Cloning…

Online Dictionary (if you want to find out the meaning and pronunciation of any word)

Do a short PowerPoint presentation as a group on “Cloning”

Title & Names of Group Members
What is Cloning?
Advantages of Cloning
Disadvantages of Cloning
Other interesting points (if any)

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Craving For More?...

Interesting Websites on...

Solar System

Unit of Life

Thursday, January 26, 2006


My Amazing Adventure - A Story From Lilliput

It was an eventful day...
On my way to the town,
I tripped and almost broke my crown.
Oh no! It was not fine!
A chill went down my spine.

Lifting up my head...
A hand I thought I saw,
Or was it just an animal's paw?
I went to take a closer look
And to my horror, the "thing" shook!

It was breathing...
It was warm...
It was very much ALIVE!

The wildest thought went through my mind!
A place to hide, I tried to find.

Arrgh... ...

It was an oversized creature in human form!

An unknown Lilliputian

Imagine you were the first Lilliputian to discover Man Mountain. Write a personal recount to tell your friends what you saw and did.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Is the Moon Tired?

While we were learning to enjoy poetry in our English lessons and exploring the Solar System in our Science lessons, I stumbled upon this beautiful poem...

Is the Moon Tired?

Is the moon tired? She looks so pale
Within her misty veil:
She scales the sky from east to west,
And takes no rest.

Before the coming of the night
The moon shows papery white;
Before the dawning of the day
She fades away.

-Christina Rossetti

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